From the minds of Clinical and Educational professionals, Understanding Exceptional brings an innovative and optimistic approach to appreciating the unique brains of children who are all too often written off or overlooked in society. Behavior starts in the brain. This reality is something that most people in society take for granted because their behavior often aligns with what is considered as typical. Whether it be the age they began talking or mastered their times tables, ability to sustain focus at school or work, or how they socialize with their peers, most people aren’t required to understand how their brains developed to perform these actions because it is consistent with expected behavior. This book really isn’t for them. Understanding Exceptional is for the countless families who are too often left wondering why their child struggles to meet expectations for normal behavior. Whether your child is considerably lagging in their academic development, displays poor impulse control, or seemingly experiences challenges with communicating, this book is for you. These are the Exceptional Children. Often synonymous with neurodiversity, Exceptionality helps promote positivity to those who experience the world around them differently. Understanding Exceptional covers a broad range of material that intends to answer questions we encounter on a regular basis from parents who desire to better understand the nature of their child’s differences. Questions such as:

  • What does it mean to be Exceptional?

  • How do mental health and educational professionals see Exceptional brains?

  • Do conditions like Autism, ADHD, or Dyslexia mean my child is flawed?

  • Can my Exceptional Child get support in their school?

  • Who can I contact in my community to support my child’s needs?

Being a parent of an Exceptional Child requires a different approach to understanding where behavior comes from to help access the most effective teaching, learning and behavioral strategies. Our goal is to celebrate the uniqueness of being Exceptional through destigmatizing behavior, providing practical strategies at home, and navigating community and educational supports. We are excited to have you join us and the larger community of Exceptional brains!

Meet the Authors

